Mission Statement
CASA of North Mississippi advocates for the best interests of abused and
neglected children through the service of trained, court-appointed
community volunteers.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of CASA of North Mississippi is to train volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children in court proceedings to ensure every child is in a safe and permanent home.
Vision Statement
CASA of North Mississippi’s vision is a safe and permanent home for every abused and neglected child in North Mississippi.
Core Values
Highly Trained Volunteer Advocacy
Collaborative Alliance
Non-discrimination Policy
CASA of North Mississippi is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and demonstrates these qualities in its own operations, governance, management, and quality advocacy for children.
Volunteers shall be recruited and accepted into the CASA of North Mississippi program without regard
to race, gender, gender identity, age (21 years and older), religion, nationality, color, creed, disability,
or sexual orientation.
All children referred to CASA of North Mississippi will be assigned to a volunteer advocate regardless
of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or any other characteristic protected by law.
To give equal employment and advancement opportunities to all people, we make employment decisions
at CASA of North Mississippi based on each person’s performance, qualifications, and abilities regardless
of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Becoming a
CASA Volunteer
So, what does it take to become a CASA volunteer? First and foremost is a desire to help the most vulnerable of our children. The safety and protection of the children we serve is of paramount importance. All potential volunteers, before beginning training, undergo an extensive screening process. In addition to the application, volunteers are interviewed, references are obtained and verified, and background checks, including fingerprinting are conducted.

Make A
True Change
Every dollar that you choose to donate to CASA of North Mississippi gives a child in foster care the powerful voice of a dedicated CASA volunteer. CASA volunteers are extensively trained and supported by professional staff in order to represent the best interests of children in foster care in Lafayette and Lee Counties. Your donation gives these children a voice in court, at school, and in our community.
Give a one-time donation to Change A Child's Story.
Monthly donations create a
year-round impact.
Donating your spare change from everyday purchases adds up to create an impact.

Get in touch with CASA of North Mississippi to learn more
about our work and how you can get involved.