There arose a man who inflicted pain two times fold,
In pursuit of a chimerical gold.
He justified the extirpation of his past,
With the heavy faith of a euphoria that lasts.
Still, his vitality lived but eventually succumbed,
To the fast grip of Father Time’s thumb.
Yet, the man’s persistence knew no rest;
Its hunger grew infinite on this harebrained quest.
Until his enervate body encountered a tree,
Completely barren for all the world to see.
Seeing beyond this fictitious guise,
The tree’s withered face began to rise.
Till it dared to ask a question so bold,
What story has your life truly told?
Written by: Dreamer*, 19-year-old foster youth
*We have changed the name of this youth to protect his identity. Dreamer has given us permission to publish his writings.